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420 Liquid Worm Booster

Premium Liquid Worm Booster

What is 420 Booster?

420 Premium Liquid Worm Booster is a powerful new organic additive which can be used throughout the plant’s life cycle. Scientific studies worldwide acknowledge the superior growth, flower and crop denseness which are achieved through the use of Liquid Worm Booster.

The key to 420 Booster is the 8-12 Million C.F.0 (Colony Forming Units) Bacteria, plus readily available Liquid minerals and trace elements (60 Plus). 420 Booster provides a wealth of nutrients and minerals providing many of the requirements of your favourite plants. It is in the enzymes of the worm’s digestive system that allows all the nutrients and trace eLements to become water soluble, therefore immediately available for plant uptake.

Benefits of using 420 Booster:

• Accelerated growth rates
• Naturally improves plant health and overall vigour
• Natural pest repellant. Plants love it – Insects hate it
• Packs on weight during flowering/fruiting period
• Helps to repair growing medium that may have been drenches and fungicides
• Provides essential amino acids, enzymes and proteins
• Helps to improve essential oil production, aroma and flowers and herbs damaged by pesticides, taste in your favourite

420 Booster as a Foliar Spray When applied as a foliar spray 420 Booster will be re-innoculate the plants foliage with beneficial microbes. Especially useful if plants have been sprayed with pesticides.

420 will provide millions of microbes that help to protect the foliage and make your plants more resistant to pests and disease.

Note: Slow growing or diseased plants will benefit greatly from a direct application of 420 Booster at the rate of 500ml – 1L per plant. Proudly made in South Australia
