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Growth Technology OxyPlus

Oxyplus is an incredibly useful product for the grower to have on hand at all times. It is a useful way of adding fresh oxygen to a nutrient solution. At room temperature, a nutrient solution is lucky to have 10 ppm of dissolved oxygen, which can be rapidly depleted by active roots and unless the oxygen is replaced the roots will be growing in a low oxygen environment and their performance will suffer as a consequence.

Oxyplus is also a sanitising agent. If added to the nutrient solution on a regular basis it will combat diseases like Pythium, probably the main root disease found in hydroponic systems.

The active ingredient in Oxyplus is 50% hydrogen peroxide, so great care is needed when handling this product. Gloves and eye protection is strongly recommended.

Maximum dose: 1ml of Oxyplus per 5 litres of nutrient solution will give 100ppm of hydrogen peroxide, and this is the maximum dose you can give without damaging the roots. This is the sort of dose that you should use if there is a disease in the roots.

Preventative dose: 1ml of Oxyplus for each 10 litres of nutrient solution. This will give 50ppm of hydrogen peroxide which will help prevent disease and keep the nutrient solution oxygenated.

Sterilizing the system between crops: 1ml of Oxyplus per 1 litre of water. Allow 2 hours for this, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

